October Updates

Throughout October the Traffio developers have been busy focusing on integrations with our third-party integrations. This has seen the addition of employment hero added to our list of payroll options. To combat MYOB time-out issues a progress bar is now able to be displayed while pushing your timesheets. For Xero users, the ability to sync with invoice tracking categories has been introduced.
Employment Hero
MYOB pay run queue
Xero invoice tracking categories
Bug Fixes
Employment Hero
Companies using Employment hero lite for their payroll can now integrate their traffio pay runs to push into the timesheet section of employment hero. His integration reduces the previous double handling for payroll. Employment hero is an HR and payroll solution that is highly regarded for its ease of use and reporting functionality.

MYOB pay run queue
To combat the errors that have occurred due to time outs when large pay runs are pushed to MYOB. The ability to have these payruns to be synced and queued has been introduced. This feature includes a progress bar so you're able to see where the upload progress is at. This is a configurable option within the admin section.
To enable your first head to Admin then on the top tab bar section Traffio config, once in the config section search “Queued MYOB pay runs” config option and then enable. After this is enabled you will need to refresh your web browser and then when pushing pay runs to MYOB you will see the progress bar.

Xero Invoice Tracking Categories
Xero uses tracking categories and options instead of department codes or cost centres. This keeps your chart of accounts manageable. These categories can be used if say you're a business with seven work locations. You can track sales at each location by setting up a tracking category with tracking options for each location. Learn more here
If your business uses Xero for invoicing and you have the Xero integration set up in Traffio, you can now apply Tracking Categories & Tracking Options to invoice line items in Traffio before pushing the invoice across to Xero.

Within the Invoice cost centre, you’re now able to include bespoke text that will display on the bottom of invoice emails that are sent to your clients. This is entered in the “invoice email text” field in the cost centre. This allows you to include any extra information that it not in your payment details.

To correspond with last month’s update of late cancellations bookings being invoiced automatically using the minimum charges of items, these invoices now include the top line item “late cancellation” to clarify the charges to your clients.

MYOB AccountRight/Business integration
The integration has been updated to allow it to work when your MYOB account uses Single Sign-On.
Image Processing.
Optimised the processing of images in form submissions to improve performance and reduce file sizes.
Added card details to the vehicle export.
Form Exports
Form submission exports will now be filtered by depot, if they have a booking
Added FastTrack Debtor information to credit notes when using the SmartConnect accounting package. Also added the ability to filter credit notes by FastTrack Debtor Code.
Bug fixes
Fixed bug in the output format of the 'location' field for the EmploymentHero Lite integration.
Fixed branding of credit notes when the corresponding invoice has overridden the brand.
Fixed duplicate form submission email notifications.
Fixed form submission & form answer date range filtering.
Added the local date & time to form answer exports.
Fixed bug in the payroll distance allowance threshold when using the one-way option.
Fixed a bug which temporarily prevented new Projects from being created.
Fixed an issue with processing image metadata that would cause some images to be orientated incorrectly
Fixed an issue where minimum hours configured on rate schedules applied to daily, weekly, monthly billing modes.
Fixed a bug with resizing images.
Fixed an issue where minimum hours would not be applied when using custom item classifications.
Fixed an issue where you could not explicitly link a client to a specific invoice cost centre.