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February Updates


In the short month of February, the Traffio development team has been working hard on quite a few new features and upgrades to the system. These include a new employment status and the ability to set skills by company, client and depot, designed to improve bookings and reduce the risk of human error. Further integrations with Verizon connect and broader reporting options give you more choice in what data is presented. Web tabs have also become dynamic, better allowing you to make many areas of Traffio at the same time.

  1. Reserve employment status

  2. Required skills set at company, depot and client level

  3. Verizon connect integration

  4. Browser tab update

  5. Reports

  6. Other changes

  7. Bugfixes

Reserve Employment Status

Reserve status is a brand-new employment status that has been added to the system. These employees set to this status will by default not show up in the list of available resources on the bookings board, but they’re still available to work. With the addition of the show/hide reserve staff, you can choose if you wish to see them or not. This new employment status is useful if your business has seasonal employees or employees that you only use in case of emergencies or for very specific jobs. This ability to show and hide them on the bookings board also eliminates the risk of accidentally putting them on jobs.

Setting Required Skills at a Company/Depot/Client Level

Skill and inductions created and linked to employees can now be set as a requirement at a company, depot or client level. Previously this was only able at the project level. This new change translates over to when making bookings and assigning employees to those bookings. If these are assigned you can filter out those who are under skilled or you will get warnings if the employee that you add to the booking doesn't hold the correct skills in Traffio. This decreases the risk of oversight and helps you keep track of your employee's linked skills. Learn More

Verizon Connect Integration

Further development with Traffios' integration with Verizon connect has meant that on the vehicle location map a new refresh button has been added allowing businesses to refresh and import the latest available fleet location into Traffio. You're also able to un-assign a driver to a vehicle in Traffio and then that un-assignment will carry over to Verizon to remove the ongoing driver assignment, reducing double handling between software platforms.

Browser Tab Update

Traffio page titles have now become more dynamic, to discern what area of Traffio you have open on each tab. This update was created so that it was more user-friendly to have multiple areas of Traffio open on one browser at a time, allowing for greater productivity for your admin staff.

These titles will change with each tab item opened within Traffio, there are however limitations with selecting the back button in a tab, this can lead to it skipping the dynamic renaming in some areas. Further development is needed to deal with this limitation.

Reports Updates

  • Added 'Equipment Hours by Day' report.

  • Added ability to include the total number of each type of resource deployed on a job in the 'All Jobs' report when exporting the data with an 'Export Template'

  • Separated the counts of total people and total people who have signed off works dockets - also on the 'All Jobs' report.

  • Added 'Specialisation' to the 'Person Dockets' report and corresponding filter.

  • Added ability to include the total number of each type of resource deployed on a job in the 'All Jobs' report when exporting the data with an 'Export Template'.

  • Added some missing 'Export Template' columns for vehicles and equipment

Other Changes

  • Added 'Everyone except non take home STS' option to the travel time payroll cost centre options.

  • Renamed allowance options relating to 'own transport' to 'non take home' to be consistent with existing language. Eg: 'Straight-to-site with own transport' becomes 'Non take home STS' and 'Take-home and straight-to-site with own transport' becomes 'Take home and non take home STS'.

  • Added functionality to the booking board to mark people that should NOT get travel allowance irrespective of the payroll cost centre options. This functionality needs to be enabled from the 'Admin' > 'Traffio Config' > 'Show `No travel allowance` option on booking board'.

  • Mapping of resources to the pay category has been altered so that the delete button and undelete button do not show. The deleted state is now determined by the status of the specialisation in the admin menu, not the payroll menu.

  • Document Types can now apply to Permits. When uploading a Permit file, these document types will be available to select


  • Fixed an issue where the reason on a person blocklist entry could not be updated.

  • Fixed an issue where daily vehicle and equipment charges could be duplicated when on an invoice with staff that worked penalty rates.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented new payroll cost centre client overrides from being created.

  • Fixed an issue where crews with uneven work hours would not properly split into smaller crews due to breaks taken.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the docket number from turning green when signing off a docket from the pay run view.



Manage vehicle bookings, inductions,
maintenance, garage locations and documents.


Schedule bookings, manage employee skills,
inductions, leave and fatigue.


Manage equipment bookings and 
equipment maintenance.



Traffio’s real-time scheduling allows you to view all your jobs, staff and assets immediately.

Streamline operations and eliminate double entry of data with Traffio’s intelligent payroll integration.

Traffio allows you to bulk and automate your invoicing, streamlining your invoicing efficiencies.

Always be connected to your staff with the Traffio App.

Traffio Integrates with popular third-party 
software, so you can find more tools to
streamline your

Traffio notifies you when renewal or expiry dates are approaching, helping you manage your safety and compliance efficiently.

Gain immediate and powerful insight into your daily operations to help you understand how to utilise your workforce and grow your business.

With Traffio’s equipment management, you will know exactly where your equipment is.

Digitalise your paperwork by having all your forms and documents stored in one place.

Store all your client and project details on one platform, making it easy to access contact details and booking information.

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